Safeguarding in St Leonard's



SAFEGUARDING is about everyone working together to promote ‘a safe church for all’.

Our Christian values encourage us to care for and protect one another.

This means working together to promote the well-being of children, young people and adults at risk.  It’s about protecting them from harm be it physical, sexual or emotional.

It means as a congregation, we work to ensure all members of St Leonards can enjoy their entitlement to dignity, well-being and equality.

Safeguarding means - 

  •  Asking yourself - ‘does this look right?’ / ‘does this sound right’? /’is dignity being compromised here?’
  • Using the ‘would this be good enough for my relative?’ test
  • Trusting your instincts

 If you suspect or witness harm or it is reported to you – this should be reported immediately to any of the following who will provide support and further guidance -

  • Safeguarding Co-ordinator - Myra Hessett – 07824466427   
  • Session Clerk  - David Murdoch -   01292 266310                                         
  • Minister -  Rev Brian Hendrie -  01292 283825

Working with the Church of Scotland’s Safeguarding Service and statutory agencies, we in St Leonards will try to safeguard the welfare of everyone.

For further information and guidance on the Church of Scotland’s Safeguarding Service, please follow the link