Mission and Outreach

Christmas Cards and Easter Cards with details of Services over the season are distributed to every home in the Parish.
An Order of Service and intimations are provided for every Church Service.
Quaterly Magazine News & Views is distributed to all members.





Fundraising and Links

Funds are raised to support a wide range of projects including:

  • Christian Aid: Including house to house collections during Christian Aid week. St Leonard's has signed up to be an Emergency Appeal church and responds to Christian Aid appeals during times of crisis. It is also one of the charities selected to receive from the coffee breaks after Sunday services.  
  • FoodBank:providing 3 days emergency food to people in crisis in the UK  


Many other organisations receive funds including: 

  • the local ARK youth project
  •  Crossreach
  •  Vine Trust 
  •  Poppyscotland
  • Royal National Lifeboat Institution
  • Street Pastors
  • Bible Society
  • Ayrshire Cancer Support
  • Riverside Council Trust