Singing for Fun Choir

25/05/2019 11:32

There are only 2 gatherings of the Choir left for this season. About 30 or 40 of us have been meeting in the hall on Thursday evenings once a month and singing a wide variety of songs from The Jeelie Piece and the rather suggestive lyrics to the Bluebell Polka to numbers from the shows, the Beatles and Al Jolson.

Medical research has now established that choral singing gives the body a boost of endorphins, substances that relieve anxiety and elevate mood. So coming to the choir will make you feel better as well as letting you enjoy the good company and music. We will meet at 8.00pm to 9pm on Thursday 30th May and then again from 7.3pm to 9pm on Thursday 27th June. The longer time on 27th June is to allow us to to have a mild celebration before the summer break!

Singers don't need to be members of St Leonard's or able to read music. Morag Walton is our excellent and very tolerant Musical Director and welcomes suggestions for songs from us. Please come along and give it try and bring your friends too! Everyone is welcome.